The secrets of the mask


Part 1 of 8

How does it work ?

LED mask : How does it work ?

By Dr François Michel, Dermatologist, Expert in Lasertherapy.

Having only been used in dermatological practices or specialised beauty salons for a long time, LED technology now has a role to play in our daily lives, in the form of a mask! Perfect for keeping your skin looking beautiful and fighting against ageing, LED light therapy masks are becoming increasingly popular. Given this new trend and the variety of offerings on the market, how should you go about choosing your light mask, and above all what’s the best way to use it so you get the very best results?

To shed some light on this innovation, we met Dr François Michel, a dermatologist and expert in laser therapy, who also worked on the development of the myBlend LED mask.


Part 2 of 8

Why do you think there is such enthusiasm for LED technology ?

FRANÇOIS MICHEL. I think above all it must be because this technique is extremely gentle and painless, and unlike lasers, it gives off very little heat. That is what discouraged many people in the past! This technology also has proven results: outcomes have improved over time and new optimised mask concepts have been developed. Design and production for the masks are managed by increasingly experienced professionals and supported by scientific teams who have been able to confirm their strong performance.


Part 3 of 8

What is relevant about the colours in light ?

F. M. LEDs are small diodes that emit different colours. Each colour corresponds to a precise wavelength, with varying penetration into the skin. The myBlend mask uses the colours red and near infrared (630 and 850 nanometres) as this blend has been proven to increase the effectiveness of results. In fact, unlike red light, invisible infrared exists in pulsed mode and is more comfortable.


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What benefits are there for the skin ?

F. M. Very early on, scientists noticed an improvement in overall skin quality when using red light: texture, firmness, suppleness, radiance were all enhanced, to give the skin a youthful boost! But it didn’t stop there. They also observed restorative effects on the skin’s components, and in the skin’s circulation. Subsequently, infrared was also acknowledged for its ability to further improve the repair effect.


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How often would you recommend using the LED mask ?

F. M. Despite what you might think, using a mask as often as possible isn’t the way to get the best results. You need to know how to expose the skin reasonably, without saturating its repair capacities, because that can have the opposite effect. I would therefore recommend four sessions a week for two months, followed by a break. It’s also important to take the skin colour into account because the difference in light penetration varies. Sessions are therefore a little longer if you have dark skin.


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Are there any risks ?

F. M. The risks are minimal compared to the benefits. However, there are two important things to remember: the heat emitted by the LED lamps must be pleasant and kept under control, and the frequency of the light pulses must not be uncomfortable. The best outcome means delivering a frequency that is high enough to give the sensation of continuous light. All the other risks have been methodically inventoried for years in laboratories in Europe, the United States and Asia. The conclusions have made it possible to use LED technology with complete peace of mind, including as additional therapies for cancer patients.


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What was your role in creating the myBlend mask ?

F. M. I shared my theoretical knowledge and the experience I have acquired since 2006 during the thousands of sessions I have performed in my office during medical (acne and scarring) or aesthetic skin treatments (texture, wrinkles, redness and spots). This collaboration taught me that alongside university hospital research, there are other research and production centres with equally high standards.


Part 8 of 8

Why do you consider the myBlend mask one of the best on the market ?

F. M. Firstly because it is on the same level as the medical devices I use in my practice. It’s just simpler to use and there is more scope for subtle effects in the programmes it offers. But above all because I tested this light therapy mask on my patients, and even on my own team! It was a good way for me to find out what they thought about it “on the spot” and then over time. They all gave me very positive feedback, and some are still continuing their experience. What better proof is there ?